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Immigrate to Belize

Immigrate to Belize

Belize is a welcoming country for foreign nationals as well as investors. The beautiful natural landscapes, the fact that English is the official language and the general quality of life are one of the top reasons why many foreign nationals decide to immigrate to Belize.

 Quick Facts  
  Entry visa requirement
(from EU)


Entry visa requirement
(outside EU) 


Yes, with certain exceptions
(USA, Canada, Australia, etc.)

Types of visas available

 Tourist visa
Student visa
Employment visa

Time frame for obtaining work visa (approx.)  

30 days

Validity of temporary residence permit 1 year 
Time frame for obtaining permanent residence (approx.)

One can apply for permanent residence after 1 year. The process can last for approximately 4 months as several steps are involved.

Investor Visa Availability (YES/NO)

Yes, temporary residence status for investments in Belize (subject to conditions)   

Sponsorship requirement (YES/NO) A Sponsor is required for the Student visa 
Time frame for obtaining citizenship Applications for citizenship can be made after 5 years or 1 year in case of those married to a Belizean national 
Citizenship/Residency by investment scheme availability (YES/NO)  Temporary residence for minimum investments valuated at BZ$500,000. Citizenship can be applied for under the conditions for naturalization or descent
Tax benefits for expats  Employees and residents who earn less than BZ$26,000 per year are exempt from Income Tax (under the general income tax regime applicable in Belize)
Temporary residence general documents  Passport and police record, as well as a letter to the Director of Immigration outlining the reasons for submitting the application. 

Permit-specific documents for temporary residence 

Evidence of employment in Belize, or evidence of investment in the country – depending on the type of residence permit one is applying for. 

Permanent residence general documents 

Passport, police record, proof of income, medical certificate, photographs, spouse/child documents (if applicable). 

Specific requirements for permanent residency applications  A Belize police record is needed, as well as photographs of the applicant (taken according to specific instructions). 
Spouse/child’s documents for permanent residency applications 

Marriage certificate, income tax letter (if the spouse is employed), proof of financial support (if the spouse is not employed), the child’s birth certificate and proof of sufficient financial support for the child. Other documents can be required. 

Immigration interview for residence permit applicants 

Within 2 weeks after submitting the application. The spouse is also interviewed (if applicable). 

Police Department interview for applicants 

 An interview is conducted at the applicant’s address within 3 months after the Immigration interview.

Mandatory payments 

Yes, see below. 

General permanent residence application fees 

Fees start at BZD 1,000  depending on nationality. 

 General temporary residence application fees Half of the permanent residency fee, according to nationality. 
Residence card issuance  

Issued within 5 days of making the fee payment. 

 Residence card replacement

Yes, upon paying the applicable fee. 

Pre-application initial consultation with our team available (Yes/No) 


 Reasons to work with us

 Applying for a residence permit or for citizenship in Belize is streamlined when the applicant fully follows the requirements and procedure. Our team can help you make sure that your application is compliant.

When to contact us  As soon as you decide to apply for a residence permit, to receive personalized information according to your situation. 

The choice to relocate is even more popular amongst American citizens, given the official language and the BZD to USD exchange rate. The straightforward Belize company formation process is another reason why investors may choose this location to base their onshore or offshore company.

Main steps to immigrate to Belize

According to the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, US citizens, those from Mexico, Costa Rica, Austria, EU Member States as well as those from the British Commonwealth (excluding India) do not need a visa to enter Belize. The 30-day visitor visa is mandatory for all other categories of foreign nationals.

A special approval is required for those who wish to enter Belize from Colombia, China, Brazil, Afghanistan, India, Peru, and other foreign nationals. The visa approval is issued by the Department of Immigration in this case.

For those who wish to move to Belize, a key step will be to apply for permanent residence in the country. However, this is not possible immediately and many foreign nationals will first acquire temporary residence. Therefore, the common route is to first hold a temporary residence permit (for one year in most cases), followed by the permanent residence permit, and then acquiring citizenship, if the foreign national so wishes.

For foreigners interested in moving to another sunny country, for example those who want to relocate to Spain, we recommend our partners – Immigrate-Spain.com.

Temporary residence in Belize for investment purposes

The conditions for temporary residence are for the applicant to invest in Belize and the value of the investment needs to be of at least 500,000 BZD. The temporary residence permit is issued for one year, and it can be renewed. In a sense, this can be understood as a Belize citizenship by investment, as remaining in the country after investing can lead to citizenship.

The documents needed for temporary residency in Belize are the following:

  • Passport;
  • Police record;
  • Letter to the Director of Nationality and Passport Department (motivating the reasons for which you are requesting temporary residency in the country);
  • Evidence of investment in Belize (according to the minimum amount stated above) and evidence of residence in Belize (such as a rental agreement).

According to the list above, a foreign national who wishes to base his or her temporary residency on Belize company registration will first need to make the investment, then secure accommodation by renting property in Belize, and then prepare the needed documents for requesting the temporary residence permit.

We remind investors that the following documents are considered satisfactory for proving one’s investment in the country:

  • real estate ownership title;
  • company registration certificate, issued after the Belize company formation process is successfully completed;
  • business or personal bank statements;
  • other documents such as the social security registration card, one’s income tax returns, or the general sales tax returns; our lawyers in Belize can give you more details about these documents.

Other types of temporary residency permits in Belize

Not all foreign nationals have the financial means to make an investment of at least BZ$500,000 (or approximately USD 248,156), such as purchasing property or being able to open a company in Belize.

For non-investors, the temporary employment permit is another route for those who wish to reside in the country and, in time, apply for permanent residence. The following categories are taken into account for temporary employment (with the possibility for extension):

  • – Self-employed workers: business owners, directors, corporate oversight officers, those self-employed in the agricultural industry, such as farm managers;
  • – General and technical workers: mechanics, cooks, farm caretakers and assistants, farm hands, seasonal agriculture workers;
  • – Professional workers: those who have a university degree, such as directors, realtors, managers, technical officers, and others.

Some of the types of work for which an employment visa is granted include the following:

  • general employment in Belize (officially hired by a Belizean company);
  • consultation visits;
  • sales representatives;
  • foreign media;
  • technical professionals assigned to perform activities in Belize.

If you are unsure of how you qualify, or if you are interested not in Belize offshore company formation, but in securing employment from a Belizean company, please reach out to our specialists.

Coming to Belize to study for a school year or a semester can also be a route to first hold a temporary residence permit and then apply for permanent residency (provided that the study period is extended, it continues or the foreign national then finds employment in Belize to remain for the minimum number of years that allow for obtaining the permanent resident status). Applicants will first need to be accepted by the Belizean educational institution and then provide a letter of financial support, either provided by their parents or a qualifying sponsor. When a sponsor is used, he or she must provide proof of Belizean citizenship or legal immigration status (either as a permanent resident or a temporary employment permit).

You can apply for a study visa if you were accepted by a primary, a secondary, or a tertiary educational institution (with proof of being enrolled).

A dependent’s permit is awarded to those persons accompanying a foreign national who resides in Belize temporarily for business or employment purposes. These accompanying individuals can be of retired age (55 and above), disabled individuals or children under the age of five. The applicant is submitted by the temporary resident who will be asked to provide for and offer accommodation for the dependent.

If you wish to bring your spouse, child/children, parent(s), or siblings(s) to Belize once you have secured your temporary residence permit, all for the purpose of immigration to Belize together with your family, can analyze your situation and assist you.

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Permanent residence in Belize

Individuals who immigrate to Belize and wish to acquire permanent residence need to comply with the following:

  1. Minimum time in the country: the applicant needs to have legally resided in the country for 1 year when he or she submits the application;
  2. Duration of stay: it is important to note that, during the 1-year period, the applicant cannot leave the country for more than 14 days, cumulated;
  3. Financial stability: proof of income will be presented to the Immigration Office; the applicant who wishes to relocate to Belize needs to be able to continue to be financially stable to obtain permanent residency;
  4. Criminal record: the applicant must not have been convicted and must not have been liable to imprisonment for the duration of twelve months or more.

If you are ready to submit the application for permanent residency, an important step in order to immigrate to Belize, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • – proof of having stayed in the country for one year;
  • – police record;
  • – marriage certificate;
  • – income tax statement;
  • – temporary employment permit, if applicable;
  • – proof of having acquired land, if applicable;
  • – health certificate;
  • – recent photographs.

Other documents may be required. Proof of payment for the following fees is also provided:

  • – 1,000 BZD: the fee for citizens of the CARICOM countries (the Caribbean Community including countries such as Bahamas, Grenada, Jamaica, the Grenadines and others);
  • – 1,500 BZD: applicable to citizens of Mexico, Dominican Republic and those of Central American Countries;
  • – 3,000 BZD: for foreign nationals from the Commonwealth countries; citizens from the European countries are subject to a 6,000 BZD fee;
  • – 4,000 BZD: for citizens of countries other than those mentioned, for example Albania, Argentina, Afghanistan and others.

The fee for the temporary residence permit is 1/5 of the value payable for the permanent residence permit according to nationality.

If you want to immigrate, permanent residency in Belize is a must. You need to have lawfully lived for a minimum amount of time in the country and must not have left the country for more than two weeks. You will also have to provide proof of your status. All these conditions and more are described in more detail by our team. We invite you to read more about these conditions below.

Another option to move to Belize applies in case of minors who have entered the country when they were under the age of 16. Certain conditions apply in this case.

We invite you to watch a video on the process of relocation to Belize:

Relocate to Belize permanently and acquiring citizenship

After having resided in Belize for five years as a permanent resident, a foreign national can apply for nationality or citizenship. Apart from the condition for having had a permanent residence permit for at least 5 years, the applicant will also need to show that he or she did not leave Belize (reside outside of the country) for more than 30 consecutive days or more than 3 months in any 12-month period. Nonetheless, the application for citizenship can be taken into account when the individual did spend more than the permitted periods outside of the country because of his or her employment obligations (while being employed in Belize) or for medical or health reasons. If these were the applicable cases, the individual will need to bring forward sufficient proof when making the citizenship application.

Citizenship through marriage is possible when the individual has been married to a Belizean national for at least one year. This is possible both in case in which the spouse was born in the country and when he or she acquired citizenship before the date of the marriage. In other words, foreign nationals can also be married to other foreign nationals who had acquired their Belizean citizenship status before the date of the marriage and they will still be eligible for citizenship by marriage, provided that they comply with the minimum marriage duration requirement.

For those who wish to immigrate to Belize based on the fact that their descent allows them this option, there are three possible routes to citizenship:

  • – they were born outside of Belize and one of the parents is or was a Belizean citizen;
  • – they were born outside or Belize before 21 September 1981 (Independence Day) and one of the grandparents was a Belizean citizen;
  • – the applicant is a woman who married a Belizean husband before Independence Day.

The provisions for acquiring citizenship by registration (naturalization) in Belize presented above do not appl to Guatemalan nationals.

The fee for the citizenship application is 300 BZD for nationality by registration and 40 BZD for nationality by descent.

When an individual loses his or her citizenship by registration certificate, this can be replaced after having notified this and when a police report is available. Moreover, the individual will make a formal statement and will provide a copy of the passport, of the birth certificate (and the translation thereof) as well as two recent photographs. Outdated or destroyed certificates are also replaced by the relevant Belizean authorities.

Obtaining a Belizean passport

One of the advantages of obtaining citizenship in Belize is that the foreign national will be able to apply for a Belizean passport. The following documents are relevant to this application:

  • proof of citizenship: for foreign nationals who were naturalized, the certificate for citizenship by registration is provided for this purpose; when the Belizean nationality certificate does not show the holder’s gender or place of birth, he/she will need to provide a foreign birth certificate or a foreign passport;
  • photo identification: can be either a foreign passport or the Belize social security card;
  • current name: the name used on the passport will be the one in the Belizean Nationality Certificate; applicants who wish to have a new name on their passport will need to provide adequate proof.

All documents are submitted in English and any translations of the foreign-issued ones need to be a certified/sworn translation. Partial translations are not accepted.

We remind passport applicants that they will also need to observe the fees in place: of BZ$200 for a 10-year e-passport (for applicants aged 16 and above) and a fee of BZ$150 for a 5-year e-passport (applicable in the case of minors under 16 years of age).

The process of acquiring citizenship can be the final goal for many foreign nationals who initially come to the country for business or employment purposes. If you have been living in Belize for a minimum period of five years and are ready to know more about the process of acquiring citizenship, our team of experts can help you and can guide you throughout the process.

Dual citizenship is permitted in Belize, however, foreign nationals will need to know if the laws in their country of origin explicitly allow for this. For example, while the United States does not prohibit dual citizenship (as may be applicable to U.S. nationals who wish to become Belizean citizens), it does not encourage dual citizenship, however, one will not lose the U.S. citizenship unless in certain specific cases.

When you immigrate to Belize, some of the issues to take into consideration immediately can include housing, signing different utilities and services agreements, as well as exploring the options for education, should one be traveling with the children.

If you want to immigrate to Belize, our lawyers can help you. We provide complete assistance from the early document preparation phase and up until the application procedure we can help you understand the immigration laws. We also provide personalized guidance on how to reunite with your family if you are already in the country. Please contact our lawyers in Belize for more information.

Living in Belize or retiring here is attractive for many reasons, especially because of the splendid beaches. Contact us if you want to know more about the general procedure required to immigrate to Belize.